The much-delayed Dead Space remake finally has a release date, but we are worried about some other problems for the beloved series.

By Jason Collins | Published 2 years ago

Months after its announcement, and several revisions, the long-awaited Dead Space remake finally got its release date, with EA announcing that the updated version of the game will launch on January 27, 2023. We strive to avoid skepticism and sarcasm, but considering just how lousy Battlefield 2042 was at its release, the upcoming Dead Space Remaster will likely be playable right from the start or not playable at all.

According to IGN, EA dropped the release date for the game and also released a treasure trove of new concept art for the fandom to pick through. EA immediately declared that the concept art isn’t indicative of actual gameplay elements, which was always the case with these types of reveals. These are just offering an idea of the scope of the game and the direction in which the development team is taking the game. However, we are discussing a game developed by Electronic Arts — a company well known and criticized for its troubled online servers, buggy AAA titles, and really aggressive microtransaction monetization tactics.

Dead Space remake was initially announced in July 2021, and many have presumed that one of the scariest games ever made will be released in October 2022. Unfortunately, that was pure speculation from the fandom, considering that EA never disclosed the release date in the first place. EA Motive, the game’s current developer, later stated that the game is likely to release in early 2023 but hasn’t provided a precise release date, effectively delaying the remake.

The new game is a visual reimagining of the original sci-fi horror Dead Space from 2008, starring Isaac Clarke, an engineer on a space station who must battle through a series of horrors, the Necromorphis — whose mere image kept grown men awake at night. EA Motive took over the horror gaming franchise from the now-closed Visceral Games, using EA’s proprietary Frostbite engine to make Dead Space remake even more immersive and horrifying — as if the original wasn’t unsettling enough.

The newly announced release date will grant the developer even more time to iron out the wrinkles in the gameplay, hopefully doing a better job than what EA Dice did with Battlefield 2042, adding more horrific layers to the already scary gaming experience. EA Motive promised that the Dead Space remake would retain the look and feel of the original game while providing additional fidelity and immersion provided by the next-gen hardware. The early version of the game’s engine was previously revealed, though the developing team is picking up on the fandom’s feedback, making small adjustments to the title and its design.

Unfortunately, the company hasn’t revealed any further detail regarding the game; the full reveal of the Dead Space remake is announced for the Halloween season when EA Motive plans to officially unwrap the decorative paper that’s hiding unimaginable horrors. As announced, the upcoming remake is set to launch on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC, which totally exclude the still popular last-gen hardware, whose lifespan was prolonged by the ongoing chip shortage.   
