THE Texas Chainsaw Massacre is based on the true story of psycho Ed Gein, who flayed his victims and made furniture with their skin.

A new Texas Chainsaw Massacre released on Netflix has revived interest in the backstory as the film remains one of the most influential horror movies of all time.

The first Texas Chainsaw Massacre film premiered in 1974 and followed a young woman named Sally and her brother as they traveled to a family home in Texas with some friends.

After a detour, they discover a group of crazed, murderous cannibals living next door and have to do everything they can to escape chainsaw-wielding Leatherface.

Serial killer phenomena fueled Director Tobe Hooper’s creativity for the film and he credits killers like Ed Gein with inspiring Leatherface.


Gein, known as the Butcher of Plainfield and Plainfield Ghoul, shocked the nation with crimes he committed in the 1950s.

Police searched his Plainfield, Wisconsin home after the local hardware store owner, Bernice Worden, disappeared.

Worden’s son Frank, Plainfield’s deputy sheriff, discovered the store's cash register open and bloodstains on the floor.

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He told investigators Gein was in the store the night before and said he would come back the following day for a gallon of antifreeze.

The last shown transaction at the hardware store was for antifreeze, so police headed to search Gein’s house, where they discovered a true house of horrors with human skin and body parts employed in almost every aspect of daily life.

Bowls were made from human skulls, utensils crafted from bones, and chairs were upholstered with human skin.

Gein admitted to digging up female corpses from the local cemetery and using their body parts in his gruesome trophies.

He used the skin of various women to stitch a suit, which he told police he wanted to climb inside to “become” his dead mother.

Gein was arrested in 1957 and later admitted to the murders of Worden and bar owner Mary Hogan, who had disappeared three years before.

Initially ruled mentally unfit to stand trial, the killer was tried in 1968 and declared criminally insane. He was ordered to spend the rest of his life in a secure mental hospital and died in 1984.

The 2022 Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel follows a revamped Leatherface, the masked serial killer who infamously hacks his victims apart with a chainsaw and mounts them on hooks.

Some viewers said they were left feeling underwhelmed comparing it to the original.

Rotten Tomatoes reported a consensus that Texas Chainsaw Massacre “doesn't skimp on the gore, but Leatherface may have irrevocably lost his ability to terrify.”

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