Johnny Knoxville is an American actor, comedian, and stunt performer best known for his role in the MTV reality stunt show Jackass. He has been married twice and has three children. His first wife was Melanie Lynn Cates, whom he married in 1995. They divorced in 2008. His second wife is Naomi Nelson, whom he married in 2010. They have two children together.

Knoxville is a devoted father and husband. He often speaks about his love for his family and how important they are to him. He has said that being a father has changed his life for the better and that he is grateful for the opportunity to raise his children.

Knoxville's family has been featured in several of his films and television shows. His daughter Madison appeared in the film Jackass 3D, and his son Rocko appeared in the film Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa. His wife Naomi has also appeared in several of his projects, including the television show Knoxville.

Johnny Knoxville S Wife And Kids Don

Johnny Knoxville is an American actor, comedian, and stunt performer best known for his role in the MTV reality stunt show Jackass. He has been married twice and has three children. His family is very important to him and has been featured in several of his films and television shows.

  • Wife: Naomi Nelson
  • Children: Madison, Rocko, and Arlo
  • Marriage: 2010
  • Family: Supportive and close-knit
  • Values: Family-oriented and devoted
  • Influence: Family has been featured in several of his projects
  • Future: Knoxville hopes to continue to raise his family and make them proud
  • Legacy: Knoxville's family will be a part of his legacy as a successful actor and stunt performer

Knoxville's family has been a source of strength and support for him throughout his career. They have helped him to stay grounded and focused on what is important in life. Knoxville is a devoted husband and father, and he is grateful for the love and support of his family.


Naomi Nelson is the second wife of Johnny Knoxville. They married in 2010 and have two children together. Nelson is a former model and actress. She has appeared in several of Knoxville's films and television shows, including Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa and Knoxville.

Nelson is a supportive and loving wife. She often accompanies Knoxville to red carpet events and other public appearances. She is also a devoted mother to their two children. Knoxville has said that Nelson is his best friend and that he is grateful to have her in his life.

The connection between Naomi Nelson and Johnny Knoxville S Wife And Kids Don is significant because Nelson is an important part of Knoxville's family. She is a loving and supportive wife and mother, and she plays a vital role in the family's happiness and well-being. Knoxville has said that he is lucky to have Nelson in his life, and that she is the best thing that has ever happened to him.


Johnny Knoxville has three children: Madison, Rocko, and Arlo. They are an important part of his life and have been featured in several of his films and television shows. His children have helped him to stay grounded and focused on what is important in life. Knoxville is a devoted father and is grateful for the love and support of his family.

  • Family Values: Knoxville has instilled strong family values in his children. He believes that family is the most important thing in life and that children should be raised with love and respect.
  • Shared Experiences: Knoxville enjoys spending time with his children and participating in activities that they enjoy. He has taken them to sporting events, concerts, and movies. He also makes time for family vacations.
  • Role Models: Knoxville is a role model for his children. He shows them the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. He also teaches them the value of giving back to the community.
  • Legacy: Knoxville's children will be a part of his legacy as a successful actor and stunt performer. They will carry on his values and continue to make him proud.

In conclusion, Johnny Knoxville's children are an important part of his life and have had a positive influence on him. He is a devoted father and is grateful for the love and support of his family.


Johnny Knoxville's marriage to Naomi Nelson in 2010 is a significant event in the context of "Johnny Knoxville S Wife And Kids Don". This marriage marked the beginning of a new chapter in Knoxville's life, as he became a husband and a stepfather to Nelson's two children. The marriage has had a positive impact on Knoxville's personal and professional life, providing him with stability and support.

Since his marriage, Knoxville has become more family-oriented and has spoken about the importance of family in his life. He has also become more involved in his children's lives and has been seen attending their sporting events and school activities. The marriage has also had a positive impact on Knoxville's career, as he has been able to focus more on his work and has been less distracted by personal issues.

The marriage between Johnny Knoxville and Naomi Nelson is a reminder that marriage can be a positive force in one's life. It can provide stability, support, and love, and it can help individuals to grow and mature. Knoxville's marriage is a testament to the power of marriage and the importance of family.


In the context of "Johnny Knoxville S Wife And Kids Don", the family unit plays a pivotal role in shaping the narrative and highlighting its significance. The supportive and close-knit nature of the family serves as a cornerstone for Johnny Knoxville's personal life and professional endeavors.

  • Emotional Support: The family provides a safe and nurturing environment where Knoxville can seek solace and recharge. They offer encouragement, understanding, and unconditional love, which are crucial for his well-being and ability to navigate the challenges of his career.
  • Shared Experiences: The family engages in shared activities, fostering a sense of togetherness and strengthening their bond. Whether it's attending sporting events, going on vacations, or simply spending quality time at home, these experiences create lasting memories and reinforce the importance of family unity.
  • Problem-Solving: The family serves as a support system during difficult times. They offer practical help, advice, and a listening ear, enabling Knoxville to overcome obstacles and make informed decisions.
  • Role Models: Knoxville's family members, especially his parents and wife, have played significant roles in shaping his values, ethics, and career choices. Their guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in his as an individual and professional.

In conclusion, the supportive and close-knit nature of Johnny Knoxville's family is a central theme that underscores the importance of family bonds, emotional support, and shared experiences. It serves as a foundation for his personal growth and professional success, highlighting the profound impact that family can have on an individual's life.


In the context of "Johnny Knoxville S Wife And Kids Don", the emphasis on family-oriented values and devotion highlights the significance of strong family bonds and unwavering commitment within the family unit. This set of values has a profound impact on Johnny Knoxville's personal life and professional endeavors.

  • Prioritizing Family: Knoxville places great importance on spending quality time with his wife and children. He actively participates in their lives, attending their events and making family vacations a priority. This dedication reflects his commitment to fostering a strong and supportive family environment.
  • Nurturing Relationships: Knoxville's devotion to his family extends beyond his immediate circle. He maintains close relationships with his parents, siblings, and extended family members. These connections provide him with a sense of belonging and support, reinforcing the value he places on familial ties.
  • Role Modeling: As a father, Knoxville recognizes the importance of serving as a positive role model for his children. He strives to embody the values he holds dear, such as integrity, kindness, and perseverance. Through his actions and words, he aims to inspire and guide his children on their own paths.
  • Legacy Building: Knoxville understands that his family is a legacy that will extend beyond his lifetime. He is committed to raising his children with strong moral values and a deep appreciation for family. By instilling these values in the next generation, he hopes to create a lasting impact on the world.

The values of being family-oriented and devoted are central to Johnny Knoxville's life. They shape his priorities, guide his actions, and provide him with a sense of purpose and meaning. These values serve as a foundation for his personal happiness and success, and they contribute to the overall well-being of his family.


The presence of Johnny Knoxville's family in his projects highlights the strong bond and influence they have on his life and work. This integration serves multiple purposes, including showcasing family values, providing authentic experiences, and creating a unique and personal touch to his projects.

  • Strengthening Family Ties: By incorporating his family into his projects, Knoxville reinforces the importance of family unity and togetherness. It demonstrates his appreciation for their support and acknowledges their role in shaping who he is.
  • Authenticity and Emotional Depth: Featuring his family allows Knoxville to tap into real-life emotions and experiences, adding depth and authenticity to his performances. Their presence creates a sense of genuineness that resonates with audiences.
  • Personal Touch: The inclusion of his family adds a personal touch to Knoxville's projects, making them more relatable and engaging. Audiences connect with the human element behind the stunts and humor, fostering a stronger bond with Knoxville and his work.
  • Legacy and Continuity: By involving his family in his projects, Knoxville creates a legacy that extends beyond his own lifetime. His children and wife become part of his artistic journey, ensuring the continuation of his work and values.

In conclusion, the integration of Johnny Knoxville's family into his projects is a testament to the profound influence they have on his life and career. It serves as a celebration of family bonds, adds authenticity and emotional depth to his work, creates a personal connection with audiences, and contributes to the building of a lasting legacy.


Johnny Knoxville's aspiration to continue raising his family and making them proud is deeply intertwined with the theme of "Johnny Knoxville S Wife And Kids Don". This reveals his commitment to family as a central value in his life, shaping his present actions and future goals.

  • Role Model and Mentor: Knoxville recognizes the pivotal role he plays in shaping his children's lives. He strives to set a positive example, imparting important values, and providing guidance as they navigate their own paths.
  • Provider and Protector: Knoxville is dedicated to providing a stable and loving home for his family. He is committed to ensuring their well-being, both physically and emotionally, and to protecting them from harm.
  • Legacy Builder: Knoxville understands that his children are his legacy. By raising them with strong values and a sense of purpose, he hopes to instill in them a desire to make a positive impact on the world, carrying forward his own legacy.
  • Source of Inspiration: Knoxville's family is a constant source of inspiration for him. Their love and support motivate him to work hard and achieve his goals, knowing that he has a strong foundation to return to.

In conclusion, Johnny Knoxville's future aspirations to raise his family and make them proud are inextricably linked to the theme of "Johnny Knoxville S Wife And Kids Don". His commitment to family serves as a guiding force in his life, shaping his priorities, and driving his ambitions. By prioritizing his family's well-being and happiness, Knoxville not only fulfills his role as a husband and father but also contributes to the broader fabric of society by raising responsible and compassionate individuals.


The connection between "Legacy: Knoxville's family will be a part of his legacy as a successful actor and stunt performer" and "Johnny Knoxville S Wife And Kids Don" lies in the profound impact that Knoxville's family has had on his personal and professional life. His wife and children have provided him with unwavering support, love, and inspiration, which have been instrumental in his success.

Knoxville's family has played a significant role in shaping his values, ethics, and career choices. They have instilled in him a strong sense of family, community, and social responsibility. These values are evident in Knoxville's work, both on and off screen. For instance, his commitment to family is reflected in his portrayal of family-oriented characters and his involvement in charitable organizations that support families in need.

In addition, Knoxville's family has been a source of inspiration for his stunts and performances. Many of his stunts are inspired by his childhood experiences and his desire to push the boundaries of human endurance. His family's encouragement and belief in his abilities have given him the confidence to take on increasingly challenging and dangerous stunts.

Knoxville's family will continue to be a part of his legacy long after he retires from acting and stunt performing. His children are likely to carry on his legacy by pursuing careers in the entertainment industry or other fields that align with his values. His wife will continue to be his biggest supporter and advocate, ensuring that his legacy is preserved and celebrated.


This section addresses frequently asked questions and clarifies any misconceptions surrounding Johnny Knoxville's family and their significance in his life and career.

Question 1: Who is Johnny Knoxville's wife?

Johnny Knoxville has been married twice. His first wife was Melanie Lynn Cates, whom he married in 1995 and divorced in 2008. His second wife and current spouse is Naomi Nelson, whom he married in 2010.

Question 2: How many children does Johnny Knoxville have?

Johnny Knoxville has three children. His daughter Madison is from his first marriage to Melanie Lynn Cates. His sons Rocko and Arlo are from his current marriage to Naomi Nelson.

Question 3: What is Johnny Knoxville's relationship with his family like?

Johnny Knoxville has a close and loving relationship with his wife and children. He frequently speaks about the importance of family in his life and how grateful he is for their support. His family has also been featured in several of his films and television shows.

Question 4: How has Johnny Knoxville's family influenced his career?

Johnny Knoxville's family has been a major source of inspiration and support for him throughout his career. They have helped him to stay grounded and focused on what is important in life. His family has also been featured in several of his projects, adding a personal touch to his work.

Question 5: What is Johnny Knoxville's legacy?

Johnny Knoxville's legacy is likely to include his successful career as an actor and stunt performer, as well as his commitment to family and community. His family will continue to be a part of his legacy long after he retires, ensuring that his values and achievements are remembered and celebrated.

Johnny Knoxville's family is an important part of his life and has had a significant impact on his personal and professional life. They have provided him with love, support, and inspiration, and have helped him to achieve great success.

This concludes the frequently asked questions about "Johnny Knoxville S Wife And Kids Don."


The following tips provide valuable insights into the significance of Johnny Knoxville's family in his life and career:

Tip 1: Nurture Strong Family Bonds: Prioritize quality time with your spouse and children, fostering open communication, shared experiences, and mutual support.

Tip 2: Foster Family Values: Instill essential values such as integrity, kindness, and compassion within your family, creating a positive and ethical foundation.

Tip 3: Be Present for Your Family: Dedicate time to attend important events, participate in family activities, and provide emotional support whenever needed.

Tip 4: Collaborate with Your Family: Involve your family in projects or activities that align with their interests and strengths, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Tip 5: Create Lasting Memories: Plan family vacations, celebrate special occasions, and capture precious moments to create cherished memories that will strengthen your family bond.

Tip 6: Seek Support from Your Family: Open up to your family members about challenges and successes, allowing them to provide encouragement, advice, and unwavering support.

Tip 7: Show Appreciation for Your Family: Regularly express your love and gratitude to your family members, acknowledging their contributions and the joy they bring into your life.

Tip 8: Embrace Family Traditions: Establish family traditions that bring everyone together, creating a sense of belonging and continuity.

By incorporating these tips into your family life, you can strengthen family bonds, create a supportive and loving environment, and build a lasting legacy that extends beyond your lifetime.

Remember, family is the cornerstone of a happy and fulfilling life. Nurture and cherish your family relationships to reap the countless benefits they have to offer.


The exploration of "Johnny Knoxville S Wife And Kids Don" reveals the profound significance of family in the life and career of the renowned actor and stunt performer. Knoxville's wife and children provide him with unwavering support, love, and inspiration, which have been instrumental in his success. His family has shaped his values, ethics, and career choices, and they continue to be a source of strength and inspiration for him.

Knoxville's commitment to family is an example for all. He prioritizes time with his loved ones, fosters strong family bonds, and instills essential values in his children. His family has been featured in several of his projects, adding a personal touch to his work and showcasing the importance of family in his life.
